InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseThe Saint and the ScriptureA wave particle dualityJul 20, 2024Jul 20, 2024
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseDoes it matter if God exists?Naturalism’s magical bubbleJun 28, 20249Jun 28, 20249
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseThe Dynamic Life of ConsciousnessEmbracing the idealist worldviewMay 28, 20244May 28, 20244
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseThe Practice of YogaStretch your understandingApr 20, 20234Apr 20, 20234
Prudence LouiseThe Resurrection — Historical Event or Theological Claim?The logical consequences of accepting Jesus as GodOct 21, 202211Oct 21, 202211
Prudence LouiseSacrificing Jesus for the survival of the ChurchMore thoughts on Christianity’s reformationOct 15, 202210Oct 15, 202210
Prudence LouiseReforming ChristianityChristianity rewritten in the language of eternityOct 11, 20223Oct 11, 20223
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouisePrayer is a Spiritual MirrorReflecting the light of the divineOct 5, 20222Oct 5, 20222
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseThe Perfection of Free WillVoluntary surrender to divine loveAug 31, 20221Aug 31, 20221
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseHeaven is not a Geographical LocationThe evolution of consciousnessJan 31, 20226Jan 31, 20226
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseThe Law of KarmaCosmic justice or natural law?Jan 9, 20225Jan 9, 20225
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseSeeing Jesus through a Hindu LensA portal to the divineDec 19, 20215Dec 19, 20215
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseCan all the Different Religions be True?The harmonious outlook of religious pluralismDec 5, 202115Dec 5, 202115
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseReality MaximizationAnselm’s ontological argument for GodNov 28, 20215Nov 28, 20215
InThe Big ThinkbyPrudence LouiseGod of the GapsEngineering God in the scientific imageNov 15, 20212Nov 15, 20212
InInterfaith NowbyPrudence LouiseReflections on the Nature of FaithTranscending the limits of the intellectNov 8, 20217Nov 8, 20217
InInterfaith NowbyPrudence LouiseIntroduction to Bhagavatam — The Book of GodIndia’s devotional jewelOct 27, 20212Oct 27, 20212
InInterfaith NowbyPrudence LouiseLinking the Cosmic Order to Personal DestinyThe Vedic teaching of dharmaOct 19, 2021Oct 19, 2021